Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Applicants should use a flatbed scanner to scan all of their credentials in high resolution and in color. Documents must be scanned; photos taken with a camera or smartphone are not acceptable for evaluation purposes. The scanned images should be clear, sharp, and accurate representations of the source document, and should show all the stamps, seals, and signatures of the original. We require images to be at least 100 dpi (dots per inch), but documents up to 300 dpi are accepted. The maximum file size is 32 MB. We prefer PDF files, although we accept .jpg and .png file formats.
Secondary education
Baccalaureate Certificate OR
Grade 12 Graduation Certificate
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Certificate of Maturity (Dëftesë Pjekurie)
Higher education
Official grade report (Certifikatë e Notave or Vërtetim)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Diplomë, Deshmi, Specializimi, Diplome Doktorate)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Examination Results for Baccalaureate (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Baccalaureate of Secondary Education (Diplôme du Baccalauréat)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diplôme de Licence, Magistère)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Baccalaureate (e.g. Batxillerat)
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Diplomatura, Llicenciatura)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcript (Histórico Escolar)
If degree is completed, also submit:
General Education Certificate of Qualifications (Ensino Geral Certificado de Habilitações)
Higher education
Academic transcripts (Histórico Escolar)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Título Profissional, Bacharel or Licenciado)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official Grade Report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CECSEC) OR
General Certificate of Education (GCE) or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) OR
Other general certificate of secondary education
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Antigua and Barbuda
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official Grade Report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CECSEC) OR
General Certificate of Education (GCE) or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) OR
Other general certificate of secondary education
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report (Certificado de Notas or Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
High school title certificate (e.g. Bachiller, Técnico Medio, Perito)
Higher education
Grade report (Certificado de Notas or Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma or title certificate (e.g. Técnico, Tecnólogo, Licenciado, Título Profesional, Maestría, Doctorado)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Certificate of Secondary (Complete) Education (ԱՏԵՍՏԱՏ ՄԻՋՆԱԿԱՐԳ (ԼՐԻՎ) ԸՆԴՀԱՆՈՒՐ ԿՐԹՈՒԹՅՈՒՆ), Аттестат о среднем (полном) общем образовании) OR
Professional school diploma (ԴԻՊԼՈՄ / диплом)
Higher education
Supplement to the Diploma (ԴԻՊԼՈՄԻ ՀԱՎԵԼՎԱԾ / приложение к диплому) OR
Academic Reference (ԱԿԱԴԵՄԻԱԿԱՆ ՏԵՂԵԿԱՆՔ) issued by the Rector’s office
If program is completed, also submit:
Diploma (ԴԻՊԼՈՄ / диплом)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcript (Cijferlijst)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. HAVO or VWO)
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report (Cijferlijst)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachelor, Master, Doctoraalexamen)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
If your education is incomplete, submit the Year 10 certificate and/or academic transcripts for the years completed.
If you have finished your secondary education, also submit:
Year 12 Certificate of Achievement OR
Higher School Certificate or Certificate of Education
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Degree certificate / testamur
If your higher education institution participates in the My eQuals platform, please request that your original transcripts be forwarded to
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Annual certificates (Jahreszeugnisse)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Maturity Examination Certificate (Reifeprüfungszeugnis)
Higher education
Statement of Academic Achievement (Bestätigung des Studienerfolges)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachelor, Master, Magister, Diplom, Doktor)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Table of Marks (cədvəli) OR
Supplement to the Diploma (Diplomuna əlavə / Приложение к диплому) for the professional school diploma
If degree is completed, also submit:
Certificate of Secondary Education (Orta təhsil haqqında attestat / аттестат о среднем образовании) OR
Professional school diploma (Діплом /Diplom /Диплом)
Higher education
Original Supplement to the Diploma (Diplomuna əlavə / Приложение к диплому) OR
Academic Record/Archival Record (Akademik arayış / Aкадемическая справка) issued by the Rector’s office
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (Діплом /Diplom /Диплом)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official Grade Report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
If you have attended the University of the Bahamas, you need to order an official transcript through the Parchment portal. More information is found on the UB Registrar page.
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Student Scholastic Record
If degree is completed, also submit:
Secondary School General Certificate
Higher education
Academic transcript/grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (front and back)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcript for the Secondary School Certificate Examination or Mark sheets
If degree is completed, also submit:
Higher Secondary Certificate AND Academic transcript for the Higher Secondary Certificate Examination
Higher education
Transcript of Academic Record or Mark sheets
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official Grade Report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CECSEC) OR
General Certificate of Education (GCE) or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) OR
Other general certificate of secondary education
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Certificate of General Secondary Education (Атэстат аб агульнай сярэдняй адукацыі) OR
Professional school diploma (Дыплом) AND Supplement to the Diploma (Дадатак да дыплома)
Higher education
Academic Record (акадэмічная даведка)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (Дыплом) AND Supplement to the Diploma (Дадатак да дыплома)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade Reports
If degree is completed, also submit:
Certificate of the Second Degree of Secondary Education (Getuigschrift van de Tweede Graad van het Secundair Onderwijs) OR
Certificate of Secondary Education (Getuigschrift van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs) OR
Certificate of Higher Secondary Education (Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur)
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachelor, Master, Graduat/Gegradueerde, Licencié/Licentiaat, PhD)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official Grade Report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CECSEC) OR
General Certificate of Education (GCE) or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) OR
Other General Certificate of Secondary Education
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Examination Results for Baccalaureate (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Baccalaureate of Secondary Education (Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diplôme, Licence, Maîtrise)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official Grade Report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CECSEC) OR
General Certificate of Education (GCE) or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) OR
Other general certificate of secondary education
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Statement of marks
If degree is completed, also submit:
Bhutan Certificate of Secondary Education (Class-X) AND Bhutan Higher Secondary Education Certificate (Class-XII)
Higher education
Mark sheets
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report (Certificado de Notas or Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma of Bachelor in Humanities (Diploma de Bachiller en Humanidades) OR
Middle Level Technician (Técnico Medio)
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report (Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Técnico Superior, Título Profesional, Licenciado, Maestría, Doctorado)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcript (Cijferlijst)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. HAVO or VWO)
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report (Cijferlijst)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachelor, Master, Doctoraalexamen)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic record (Indeks or Upisnica or Uvjerenje)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma of Completed Secondary School (Diploma o Zavrsenoj Srednjoj Skoli)
Higher education
Certificate of Passed Examinations (Uverenje o Polozenim Ispitima)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Diploma Visokog Obrazovanja,Magistar, Doktor)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Exam results for Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Bachelor, Master)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcripts (Histórico Escolar)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Certificate of secondary school completion or diploma (Certificado de 2. Grau or Certificado de Conclusão do Ensino Médio)
Higher education
Academic transcripts (Histórico Escolar)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Graduation certificates (e.g. Título Profissional, Bacharel or Licenciado, Mestre, Doutorado)
British Virgin Islands
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official Grade Report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CECSEC) OR
General Certificate of Education (GCE) or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) OR
Other general certificate of secondary education
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
General Certificate of Education – Ordinary and/or Advanced Level OR
International General Certificate of Education
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Diploma of Secondary Education (Диплома за средно образование)
Higher education
Academic Record (Aкадемична справка)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma of Higher Education (Диплома за висше образование) AND
Attachment to the Diploma of Higher Education (Приложение към диплома за висше образование)
Burkina Faso
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Examination Results for Baccalaureate (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Baccalaureate of Secondary Education (Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. DEUG, Diplôme, Maîtrise)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma of General Humanities (Diplôme d’Humanités Générales)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diplôme, Licence, Maîtrise)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Certificate of Upper Secondary Education
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachelor, Master, PhD, Licence, Diploma, Baccalaureate)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Examination Results for Baccalaureate (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Baccalaureate of Secondary Education (Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diplôme, Licence, Maîtrise)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcripts (for Québec: Transcript for Études Collégiales)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Graduation certificate of diploma
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma or degree certificate
Cape Verde
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Graduation certificate (Diploma de Ensino Secundário)
Higher education
Academic transcript (Histórico Escolar)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Bacharel, Licenciado, Mestrado, Doutor)
Cayman Islands
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official Grade Report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CECSEC) OR
General Certificate of Education (GCE) or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) OR
Other general certificate of secondary education
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Central African Republic
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Examination Results for Baccalaureate (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Baccalaureate of Secondary Education (Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diplôme, Licence, Maîtrise)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Examination Results for Baccalaureate (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Baccalaureate of Secondary Education (Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diplôme, Licence, Maîtrise)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Annual certificate of studies (Certificado Anual de Estudios)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Certificate for the Secondary Education License (Licencia de Educación Media) OR
Middle Level Technician (Técnico Medio)
Note: Secondary school documents, such as transcripts (certificados de estudio) and diploma (licencia de educación media) can be obtained for free online through the Ministry of Education portal.
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report (Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Técnico Universitario, Licenciado, Título Profesional, Postítulo, Maestría, Doctorado)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official grade reports/transcripts/academic records for all years of secondary school
If degree is completed, also submit:
Graduation certificate AND
Verification report of China National College Entrance Examination Scores(高考成绩认证报告)
Verification report of China Secondary Education Qualification Certificate(中等教育学历认证报告)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts AND
Online verification report (学籍在线验证报告)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Verification report of China Higher Education Qualification Certificate (online or paper)
China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center (CDGDC)
China Higher Education Student Information & Career Center (CHESICC)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcripts (Certificado de estudios or calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Certificate of completion (Bachiller/ Técnico Medio)
Higher education
Academic transcripts (Certificado de estudios or calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma of title of grade (Título de Técnico Superior/ Tecnólogo, Profesional/ Licenciado, Maestro/ Magister, Doctor).
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma of General Humanities (Diplôme d’Humanités Générales)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diplôme, Licence, Maîtrise)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Examination Results for Baccalaureate (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final) OR
General Certificate of Education (ordinary and advanced levels)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Baccalaureate of Secondary Education (Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diplôme, Licence, Maîtrise)
Congo Kinshasa (DR Congo)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade reports (bulletins de notes) for years 4 through 6
If degree is completed, also submit:
Official State Diploma (Diplôme d’État d’Etat d’Etudes Secondaires du Cycle Long)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diplôme, Licence, Maîtrise)
Cook Islands
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade reports
If degree is completed, also submit:
Original General Certificates of Secondary Education OR
General Certificates of Education, Ordinary and Advanced Level OR
Secondary Education Certificate
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Costa Rica
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report (Certificado de Notas or Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachiller en Educación Media, Técnico Medio, etc)
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report (Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Técnico, Diplomado, Bachiller, Título Profesional, Licenciado, Maestría, Doctorado)
Côte d’Ivoire
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Examination Results for Baccalaureate (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Baccalaureate of Secondary Education (Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diplôme de Licence, Maîtrise)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Certificate (Svjedodžba)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Maturity Certificate (Svjedodžba o maturi)
Higher education
Study book (Indeks) and Certificate of Record (Uvjerenje)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Diploma diplomaskog studija,Diploma poslijediplomskog specijalistièkog studija,Doktor znanosti/ Doktor umjetnosti, etc)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Final certificate of studies (Certificación de Estudios Terminados) OR
Certificate of studies (Certificado de Estudios) OR
Certificate of Grades (Certificado de Notas) OR
Academic transcript (Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (Título de Bachiller or Técnico Medio)
Higher education
Certificate of studies (Certificado de Estudios) OR
Certificate of Grades (Certificado de Notas) OR
Academic transcript (Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Título Profesional or Licenciado)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcript (Cijferlijst)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. HAVO or VWO)
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report (Cijferlijst)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachelor, Master, Doctoraalexamen)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Annual Performance Reports for the first two years of Lyceum or technical/vocational study
If degree is completed, also submit:
Graduation Certificate (Απολυτήριο)
Higher education
Transcript/grade report
Academic transcript listing all courses, credits, and grades (European Diploma Supplement is also acceptable for completed programs.)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Czech Republic
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Annual grade reports (Vysvědčení)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Maturity Certificate (Vysvedceni o Maturitni Zkousce)
Higher education
Study book (Vykaz o Radnem Studiu)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bakalar, Magistr, Titul Inzenyr, Doktor)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Certificate of Student Examination (e.g. Studentereksamensbevis, Højere Forberedelseksamensbevis, Højere Teknisk Eksamen, Højere Handelseksamen, Svendebrev, Uddanelsebevis, Afgangsbevis)
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachelor, Master, Eksamensbevis, Candidatus, Licentiatus, PhD-Graden, etc.)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official grade report (relevé de notes) for the Diplôme du Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire examinations
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma of Baccalaureate of Secondary Education (Diplôme du Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire)
Higher education
Official grade report (relevé de notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official Grade Report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CECSEC) OR
General Certificate of Education (GCE) or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) OR
Other general certificate of secondary education
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Dominican Republic
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Schooling certificate (Certificado de Escolaridad)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (Título de Bachiller or Bachiller Técnico)
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report (Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Técnico, Tecnólogo, Título Profesional, Licenciado, Maestría, Doctorado)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report (Certificado de Notas or Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachiller, Técnico Medio)
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report (Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Técnico, Tecnólogo, Licenciado, Título Profesional, Doctorado)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page. Many documents from Egypt are issued directly into English. If this is the case with your documents, no translation is necessary.
Secondary education
Grade report of secondary school
If degree is completed, also submit:
General Secondary Education Certificate Examination
Higher education
Transcript/grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Intermediate Diploma, Bachelor, Higher Diploma, Master, PhD
El Salvador
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report (Certificado de Notas or Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachiller, Maestro)
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report (Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Técnico, Tecnólogo, Título Profesional, Licenciado, Maestría, Doctorado)
Equatorial Guinea
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcripts (Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Título de Bachiller OR
Certificación Académica confirming successful completion of the Preuniversitario
Higher education
Official academic transcript (s)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Official diploma/degree
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Eritrean Secondary Education Certificate
Higher education
Official transcript/grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Secondary school certificate (e.g. Gümnaasiumi Lõputunnistus, Tunnistus põhihariduse baasil kutsekeskhariduse omandamise kohta, Tunnistus keskhariduse baasil kutsekeskhariduse omandamise kohta)
Higher education
Academic record (Akadeemilise õiendi)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bakalaureusekraad, Rakenduskôrgharisdusôppe diplom Bakalaureusekraad, Diplom Magistrikraad, Doktorikraad)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate OR
Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Qualification Certificate OR
University Entrance Examination
Higher education
Official transcript/grade report (Student Academic Record)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
External examination results for the GCSE and/or GCE A-Level examinations
Faroe Islands
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Certificate of Student Examination (e.g. Studentereksamensbevis, Højere Forberedelseksamensbevis, Højere Teknisk Eksamen, Højere Handelseksamen, Svendebrev, Uddanelsebevis, Afgangsbevis)
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachelor, Master, Eksamensbevis, Candidatus, Licentiatus, PhD-Graden, etc.)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Fiji School Leaving Certificate
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Matriculation Examination Certificate (Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/ Studentexamenbetyg) AND Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Lukion Päästötodistus/ Avgangsbetyg)
Higher education
Transcript of Records (Ote opintosuoritusrekisteristä)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/Certificate (e.g. Lisensiaatti/Licentiat, Maisteri/Magister, Proviisori/Provisor, Tohtori/Doktor)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Examination Results for Baccalaureate (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Original Diploma or Certificate (Diplôme/Brevet) for general, technological, or vocational education (Bacalauréat / Technicien / Certificat d’aptitude, etc.)
Higher education
Academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes Annuels)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma or Certificate of achievement (e.g. Diplôme de Licence, Diplôme de Maîtrise, Diplôme de Docteur, etc.)
French Guiana
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Original Diploma or Certificate (Diplôme/Brevet, Bacalauréat / Technicien / Certificat d’aptitude, etc.)
Higher education
Academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes Annuels)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma or Certificate of achievement (e.g. Licence, Maîtrise, Docteur, Diplôme de l’Ecole, etc.)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Examination Results for Baccalaureate (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final) OR
General Certificate of Education (ordinary and advanced levels)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Baccalaureate of Secondary Education (Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diplôme, Licence, Maîtrise)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
WAEC certificates (School Certificate, General Certificate of Education) AND
Scratch card for online verification of WAEC results
Higher education
Official academic transcript (s)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Official diploma/degree (e.g. Higher Diploma, Bachelor)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Certificate of Complete Secondary Education ( სრული ზოგადი განატლების ატესტატი ) OR
Professional school diploma (დიპლომი)
Higher education
Supplement to the Diploma (დიპლომის დანართ) issued by the Rector’s office OR
Transcript/Academic Record (ნიშნების ფურცელი / ჩანაწერი ჩანაწერები) /Archival Record (საარქივო მითითება) issued by the Rector’s office
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (დიპლომი)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcript (e.g. Jahreszeugnisse or Studienbuch or Studienplan)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Graduation Certificate (e.g. Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife, Zeugnis der Fachhochschulreife, Abschlusszeugnis der Realschule, Abschlusszeugnis der Hauptschule, etc.)
Higher education
Academic transcript (e.g. Leistungsnachweise or Jahreszeugnisse or Studienbuch or Studienplan) OR
European Diploma Supplement
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma or degree certificate (e.g. Bachelor, Master, Magister, Diplom, Doktor) AND final and intermediate examination certificates (e.g. Vordiplom, Zwischenprüfungszeugnis, Diplomprüfungszeugnis, Hauptprüfungszeugnis, Zeugnis der Ärztlichen Prüfung, Erste und Zweite Staatsprüfung für das Lehramt, Prüfungszeugnis, Abschlusszeugnis, etc.)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
WAEC certificates (Senior School Certificate, General Certificate of Education) AND
Scratch card for online verification of WAEC results. Scratch cards may be purchased locally from an authorized retailer or directly from the WAEC Ghana website
Higher education
Official academic transcript (s)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Official diploma/degree (e.g. Higher Diploma, Bachelor)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
External examination results for the GCSE and/or GCE A-Level examinations or General Certificate of Education AS (GCE AS-Level)
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Certificate of Completion (Απολυτηριο)
Higher education
Certificate (Πιστοποιητικο) OR
Grade Report (Αναλυτικα Βαθμολογια)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (Πτυχιον)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Certificate of Student Examination (e.g. Studentereksamensbevis, Højere Forberedelseksamensbevis, Højere Teknisk Eksamen, Højere Handelseksamen, Svendebrev, Uddanelsebevis, Afgangsbevis)
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachelor, Master, etc.)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official Grade Report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CECSEC) OR
General Certificate of Education (GCE) or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) OR
Other general certificate of secondary education
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Original Diploma or Certificate (Diplôme/Brevet, Bacalauréat / Technicien / Certificat d’aptitude, etc.)
Higher education
Academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes Annuels)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma or Certificate of achievement (e.g. Licence, Maîtrise, Docteur, Diplôme de l’Ecole, etc.)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report (Certificado de Notas or Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachiller, Maestra, Perito, Técnico)
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report (Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Técnico, Tecnólogo, Título Profesional, Licenciado, Maestría, Doctorado)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Examination Results for Baccalaureate (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Baccalaureate of Secondary Education (Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diplôme de Licence, Maîtrise)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official academic transcripts/grade reports for all years of secondary school
If degree is completed, also submit:
Secondary school certificate or diploma
Higher education
Official academic transcript (s)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Official diploma/degree
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CECSEC) OR
General Certificate of Education (GCE) and/or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE)
Final Examination Certificate or Results
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final, Première and Deuxième Parties)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Certificat de Fin d’Etudes, Secondaires Classiques, Première/Deuxième Partie, Diplôme d’Etudes Secondaires Première/Deuxième Partie, etc.)
Higher education
Academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Diplôme de Licence, Diplôme de Maîtrise, etc)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report (Certificado de Notas or Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachiller, Maestra, Perito, Técnico)
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report (Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Técnico Universitario, Bachiller Universitario, Título Profesional, Licenciado, Maestría, Doctorado)
Hong Kong
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKLDSE) OR
Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) OR
Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) or International/General Certificate of Secondary Education (I/GCSE) OR
General Certificate of Education AS (GCE AS-Level) or Advanced Level (GCE A-Level)
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Study book (Leckekönyv)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Maturity Certificate (Erettsegi Bizonyitvany)
Higher education
Study book (Leckekönyv)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (Oklevel)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Examination Report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Matriculation Examination (Stúdentspróf)
Higher education
Academic transcripts (Námsferilsyfirlit)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Diploma/Certificate, Baccalaureatus, Candidatus, Postgraduate diploma, Meistarapróf, Doktorspróf)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) AND Senior School Certificate (SSC) issued by the appropriate examination board
Higher education
Individual mark sheets indicating all subjects taken and marks obtained issued by the institution conducting the exam (e.g. university or autonomous college)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Final or provisional degree certificate issued by the institution attended (e.g. bachelor, master, postgraduate diploma)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade lists for junior high school (Sekolah Menengah Pertama)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Graduation certificate (e.g. Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar Sekolah Menengah Atas, Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar Sekolah Menengah Umum, Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar Sekolah Menegah Kejuruan)
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma or title certificate (e.g. Diploma, Sarjana, Magister, Dokter)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report (transcript)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Certificate of completion of secondary education OR
Pre-University certificate
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Kardani, Karshenasi, Karshenasi Arshad, Dotorate)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
School record
If degree is completed, also submit:
Baccalaureate Certificate or Secondary School Certificate
Higher education
Grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Statement of Results
If degree is completed, also submit:
Leaving Certificate
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Matriculation Examination certificate (Teudat Bagrut)
Higher education
Grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcript (Pagelle Scolastiche)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Maturity Diploma (Diploma di Maturita) OR
State Examination Diploma (Diploma di Esame di Stato)
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Laurea, Diploma di Specialista, Master Universitario, Dottorato)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official Grade Report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CECSEC) OR
General Certificate of Education (GCE) or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) OR
Other general certificate of secondary education
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic record
If degree is completed, also submit:
Certificate of graduation
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Certificate of graduation or Diploma
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Transcript for General Secondary Education Certificate Examination
If degree is completed, also submit:
General Secondary Education Certificate
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Certificate of Secondary General Education (Жалпы орта білім туралы aттестат /Аттестат о среднем общем образовании) OR
Professional school diploma (Диплом)
Higher education
Record (Анықтама/Справка)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (Диплом) AND Supplement to the Diploma (Дипломға косымша/Приложение к диплому)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official Certificate of Secondary Education issued by Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Bachelor, Master)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
External examination results for the Kiribati National Certificate OR
Pacific Senior School Certificate
Korea (North)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma or Graduation certificate
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Korea (South)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Official Certificate of Graduation
Higher education
Official grade report/academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Graduation certicate/diploma
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma of Completion of Secondary School (Diplomë për Kryerjen e Shkollës së Mesme)
Higher education
Official grade report (Certifikatë)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Diplomë, Diploma, Magistar, Master Doktor)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
General Secondary Education Certificate
Higher education
Academic transcript/grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (front and back)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Table of Grades (Табель/Тиркеме)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Certificate of Secondary Education (Орто билим жәнүндә аттестат/Аттестат о среднем образовании) or professional school diploma (Диплом) AND
Supplement to the Diploma (Дипломуна тиркеме/Приложение к диплому)
Higher education
Academic Record (Академиялык маалымат/Академическая справка)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (Диплом) AND Supplement to the Diploma (Дипломуна тиркеме/Приложение к диплому)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Upper Secondary School Diploma
Higher education
Academic transcript or Grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Certificate of General Secondary Education (Visparejas Videjas Izglitibas Sertifikats or Atestâts par Vispârçjo Vidçjo Izglîtîbu)
Higher education
Academic record (Akademiska Izzina)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Diploms par vidçjo profesionâlo izglîtîbu, Diploms par pirmâ lîmena augstâko profesionâlo izglîtîbu, Bakalaura diploms, Ärsta diploms, Augstâkâs profesionâlâs izglîtîbas diploms, Zobârsta diploms Maìistra diploms, Doktora diploms)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Lebanese Baccalaureate Examination (Baccalaurèat) OR
General Secondary Education Examination OR
Technical Baccalaureate
Higher education
Academic transcript/grade report (attestations, relevé de notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Licence, Maîtrise, Bachelor, Master, PhD)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Exam results for the Cambridge Overseas School Certificate
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Bachelor, Master)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
WAEC certificates (School Certificate, General Certificate of Education) AND
Scratch card for online verification of WAEC results
Higher education
Official academic transcript (s)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Official diploma/degree (e.g. Higher Diploma, Bachelor)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
General Secondary School Certificate
Higher education
Official grade report (transcript of record)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Maturity certificate (e.g. Berufsmaturitätszeugnis, Maturazeugnis)
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Maturity certificate (Brandos Atestatas)
Higher education
Academic record (Akademine Pazyma)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Aukštojo Mokslo Diplomas, Bachelor, Bakalauro Diplomas, Master, Magistro Diplomas, Daktaro Diplomas)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma of Completed Secondary Education (Diplôme de Fin d’Etudes secondaires)
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachelor, Master, Doctorat)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Senior Secondary School Certificate
Higher education
Academic transcript or Grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bacharelato, Licenciatura, Postgraduate Diploma/Certificate, Mestrado, Doutoramento)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
For studies in progress, please submit:
Academic transcript (Свидетелство)
If you have completed your studies, also submit:
Diploma of Passed Final Examination in Secondary Education (Диплома за положен завршен испит за гимназиско образование)
Higher education
For studies in progress, please submit:
Study book (Индекс) OR European Diploma Supplement
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma and Professional Title (Диплома и Стручен Назив) and Supplement to the Diploma (Уверение)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Examination Results for Baccalaureate (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Baccalaureate of Secondary Education (Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diplôme, Licence, Maîtrise)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official Malawi School Certificate of Education
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Bachelor, Master)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Malaysian Certificate of Education (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia) OR
Malaysian Higher Certificate of Education (Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia) OR
Unified Examination Certificate
Higher education
Academic transcript or Grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
External examination results for the GCSE and/or GCE A-Level examinations or General Certificate of Education AS (GCE AS-Level)
Higher education
Academic transcript or Grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Examination Results for Baccalaureate (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Baccalaureate of Secondary Education (Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diplôme de Licence, Maîtrise)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
External examination results for the GCSE and/or GCE A-Level examinations or General Certificate of Education AS (GCE AS-Level)
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Marshall Islands
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma or Certificate
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Original Diploma or Certificate (Diplôme/Brevet, Bacalauréat / Technicien / Certificat d’aptitude, etc.)
Higher education
Academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes Annuels)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma or Certificate of achievement (e.g. Licence, Maîtrise, Docteur, Diplôme de l’Ecole, etc.)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Examination Results for Baccalaureate (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Baccalaureate of Secondary Education (Diplôme du Baccalauréat)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diplôme de Licence, Maîtrise)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Officiall General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) OR
Official General Certificate of Education A/AS level
Higher education
Official academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diploma, Certificate)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcripts (Certificado de estudios or calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Certificate of completion (Bachillerato/ Técnico Medio)
Higher education
Academic transcripts (Certificado de estudios or calificaciones)
Letter of Passing (Carta de Pasante)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Title (Título de Técnico Superior/ Tecnólogo, Profesional/ Licenciado, Maestro/ Magister, Doctor)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma or Certificate
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Annex (Anexa) or Grades table (Tabelul)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Certificate of Secondary Studies (Certificat de studii gimnaziale) and Certificate of General Secondary Education (Atestat de studii medii de cultura generala)/ Baccalaureate Diploma (Diploma de Bacalaureat)
Higher education
Academic Situation (Situatia Academica) or academic certificate (Certificat Academic)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Diploma de Studii Superiorare de Scurta Durata, Diploma de Licenta,Diploma de Inginer, Diploma de Magistru, Titlul de Doctor) and Diploma supplement
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Original Diploma or Certificate (Diplôme/Brevet, Bacalauréat/Technicien/Certificat d’aptitude, etc.)
Higher education
Academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes Annuels)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma or Certificate of Achievement (e.g. Licence, Maîtrise, Docteur, etc.)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Leaving certificate (e.g. Buren Dund Bolovsroliin Ynemlekh or Gerchilgee)
Higher education
Academic transcript or Grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Certificate (Cведочанство)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma of Passed Maturity Examination (Диплома о положеном матурском испиту)
Higher education
Official grade report (Уверение)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (Диплома)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official Grade Report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CECSEC) OR
General Certificate of Education (GCE) or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) OR
Other general certificate of secondary education
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Examination Results for Baccalaureate (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Baccalaureate of Secondary Education (Diplôme du Baccalauréat)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diplôme de Licence, Diplôme de Maîtrise, Diplôme du Premier/Deuxième Cycle)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official academic transcripts/grade reports
If degree is completed, also submit:
Graduation certificate (Certificado de Habilitações)
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Bacharelato, Licenciatura, Mestrado)
Myanmar (Burma)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Mark sheets
If degree is completed, also submit:
Basic Education Standard X Examination (Matriculation)
Higher education
Mark sheets
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate OR
Namibian Junior Secondary Certificate OR
Exam results for the IGCSE and/or A-levels
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Bachelor, Master)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Pacific Senior Secondary Certificate
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Statement of marks
If degree is completed, also submit:
Higher Secondary Certificate, Intermediate Certificate, and/or Proficiency Certificate
Higher education
Statement of marks
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcript (Cijferlijst)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. HAVO or VWO)
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report (Cijferlijst or beoordelingslijst or dossierverklaring)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachelor, Master, Getuigschrift Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, Doctoraalexamen)
New Zealand
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
NCEA Record of Achievement
If degree is completed, also submit:
Universities Entrance, Bursaries and Scholarships Examination results OR
National Certificate of Educational Achievement or High school certificate or Sixth Form certificate
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
If your higher education institution participates in the My eQuals platform, please request that your original transcripts be forwarded to
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report (Certificado de Notas or Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachiller, Maestro, Técnico Medio)
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report (Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Técnico, Título Profesional, Licenciado, Maestría, Doctorado)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Examination Results for Baccalaureate (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Baccalaureate of Secondary Education (Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diplôme, Licence, Maîtrise)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
WAEC certificates (Senior School Certificate, General Certificate of Education) OR
NECO certificate (Senior School Certificate)
Scratch card for online verification of WAEC results. Scratch cards may be purchased locally from an authorized retailer or directly on the WAEC Nigeria website
If you have taken the NECO examinations, you can purchase a token on the NECO website.
Higher education
Official academic transcript (s)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Official diploma/degree (e.g. Higher Diploma, Bachelor)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
NCEA Record of Achievement
If degree is completed, also submit:
National Certificate of Educational Achievement
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Certificate of secondary education (e.g. Vitnemål Videregående Opplaering , Vitnemål fra den Videregående Skolen, Vitnemål fra Tekniske Skole, Fagbrev, etc.)
Higher education
Transcript of records (Karakterutskrift)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachelor, Master, Hogskolekandidat Candidatus, Magister Artium, Licentiatus, Doktor)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Secondary examination results
If degree is completed, also submit:
Certificate for General Education Diploma OR
General Secondary School Certificate
Higher education
Academic transcript/grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (front and back)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Statements of marks or Mark certificates
If degree is completed, also submit:
Intermediate Examination Certificate or Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) OR
Higher education
Official statement of marks
If degree is completed, also submit:
Degree Certificates
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma or Certificate
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Examination results
If degree is completed, also submit:
General Secondary Education Certificate
Higher education
Academic transcript or Grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report (Certificado de Notas or Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Title of Bachelor (Título de Bachiller)
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report (Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Técnico, Tecnólogo, Bachiller Universitario, Título Profesional, Licenciado, Maestría, Doctorado)
Papua New Guinea
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Higher School Certificate
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report (Certificado de Notas or Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachiller, Técnico)
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report (Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Técnico, Licenciado, Título Profesional, Magister, Doctorado)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official Certificate of Secondary Education (Certificado Oficial de Educación Secundaria)
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report (Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Título de Técnico Superior or Tecnólogo, Profesional/ Licenciado, Maestro or Magister, Doctor)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Secondary Student’s Permanent Record (Form 137-A or Form 138-A)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Certificate (Katibayan) or Diploma (Katunayan)
Higher education
Academic transcript (Transcript of Record – TOR)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Certificate of grades
If degree is completed, also submit:
Maturity certificate (Świadectwo dojrzałości) OR
Certificate of completion (Świadectwo ukończenia) OR
Diploma (Dyplom)
Higher education
Study book (Indeks) or academic transcript (Karta przebiegu studiów)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. tytuł inżyniera, tytuł licencjata, tytuł magistra, tytuł lekarza, tytuł doktor nauk)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Certificate of Qualifications (Certidão de Habilitações)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Secondary Education Diploma (Diploma de Ensino Secundário)
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bacharel, Licenciado, Mestre, Doutor, Diploma, Técnico)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Secondary examination results
If degree is completed, also submit:
Qatar Senior School Certificate OR
General Secondary Education Certificate
Higher education
Transcript/grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (front and back)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Scholastic Record (Situaţia Scolara)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Baccalaureate Diploma (Diplomă de Bacalaureat) or Graduation Diploma (Diplomă de Absolvire)
Higher education
Scholastic Record (Situaţia Scolara) or Matriculation Record (Foaie Matricola)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Diploma de Licenta, Diploma de Inginer, Diploma de Master, Titlul de Doctor)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Certificate supplement (Приложение к аттестату)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Certificate of secondary education (Аттестат о среднем образовании) OR
Certificate of full general secondary education (Аттестат о среднем (полном) общем образовании)
Higher education
Academic transcript (Академическая справка) OR
Diploma supplement (Приложение к диплому)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (Диплом)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma of General Humanities (Diplôme d’Humanités Générales) OR
Secondary school diploma (Diplôme de Fin d’Etudes Secondaires) OR
Advanced General Certificate of Secondary Education
Higher education
Official academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diplôme, Maîtrise)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcript (Cijferlijst)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. HAVO or VWO)
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report (Cijferlijst)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachelor, Master, Doctoraalexamen)
Saint Barthélemy
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Original Diploma or Certificate (Diplôme/Brevet, Bacalauréat / Technicien / Certificat d’aptitude, etc.)
Higher education
Academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes Annuels)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma or Certificate of achievement (e.g. Licence, Maîtrise, Docteur, Diplôme de l’Ecole, etc.)
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official Grade Report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CECSEC) OR
General Certificate of Education (GCE) or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) OR
Other general certificate of secondary education
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Saint Lucia
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official Grade Report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CECSEC) OR
General Certificate of Education (GCE) or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) OR
Other general certificate of secondary education
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Saint Martin
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Original Diploma or Certificate (Diplôme/Brevet, Bacalauréat / Technicien / Certificat d’aptitude, etc.)
Higher education
Academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes Annuels)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma or Certificate of achievement (e.g. Licence, Maîtrise, Docteur, Diplôme de l’Ecole, etc.)
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Original Diploma or Certificate (Diplôme/Brevet, Bacalauréat / Technicien / Certificat d’aptitude, etc.)
Higher education
Academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes Annuels)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma or Certificate of achievement (e.g. Licence, Maîtrise, Docteur, Diplôme de l’Ecole, etc.)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official Grade Report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CECSEC) OR
General Certificate of Education (GCE) or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) OR
Other general certificate of secondary education
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
School Certificate or Senior Secondary Certificate
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
San Marino
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic report (Pagella Scolastica)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Maturity certificate (Diploma di Maturità) OR
Diploma of State Examinations (Diploma di Esame di Stato)
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
São Tomé and Príncipe
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Official secondary certificate
Higher education
Official academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diploma, Certificate)
Saudi Arabia
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
General secondary school transcript
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Examination Results for Baccalaureate (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Baccalaureate of Secondary Education (Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. DEUG, Licence, Maîtrise)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Certificate (Cведочанство)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma of Passed Maturity Examination (Диплома о положеном матурском испиту)
Higher education
Official grade report (Уверење) or study book (Индекс)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (Диплома)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official International General Certificate of Secondary Education OR
GCE O-Levels and/or GCE A-Levels OR
Cambridge Overseas School Certificate
Higher education
Official academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diploma, Certificate)
Sierra Leone
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
WAEC certificates (School Certificate, General Certificate of Education) AND
Scratch card for online verification of WAEC results
Higher education
Official academic transcript (s)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Official diploma/degree (e.g. Diploma, Bachelor, Master)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (O/N/A Levels)
Higher education
Academic transcript or Grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
For post-secondary credentials, please upload the official .opencert file that was issued by the institution containing the transcript and diploma. If you have trouble uploading the .opencert file, you can send it after applying to
Sint Eustatius
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcript (Cijferlijst)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. HAVO or VWO)
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report (Cijferlijst)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachelor, Master, Doctoraalexamen)
Sint Maarten
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcript (Cijferlijst)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. HAVO or VWO)
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report (Cijferlijst)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachelor, Master, Doctoraalexamen)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Annual grade reports (Vysvědčení)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Maturity Certificate (Vysvedcenie o Maturitnej Skuske)
Higher education
Study book (Výkaz o Študiu na Vysokej Škole)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bakalar, Magister, Titul Inzinier, Titul Magister, Doctor)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Maturity Certificate (Maturitetno Spricevalo)
Higher education
Certificate of record (Potrdilo)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Diploma o pridobljeni univerzitetni izobrazbi,Magisterij, Doktorat)
Solomon Islands
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Solomon Islands School Certificate or Pacific Senior Secondary Certificate
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Shahaadada Dugsiga Sare)
Higher education
Official grade report (transcript of record)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (Laurea, Bachelor)
South Africa
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
National Senior Certificate or the Further Education and Training Certificate or National Certificate
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
South Sudan
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Secondary School Certificate
Higher education
Transcript/grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Intermediate Diploma, Bachelor, Higher Diploma, Master, PhD
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcript (Calificaciones Académica or Calificaciones de Notas)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Graduation certificate (e.g. Bachiller or Técnico)
Higher education
Grade report (Certificado de Notas or Calificaciones) OR
Personal Academic Certification (Certificación Académica Personal)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma or title certificate (e.g. Bachelor, Master Diplomado, Licenciado, Doctor)
Sri Lanka
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
General Certificate of Education, O-Level and/or A-Level
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Secondary School Certificate
Higher education
Transcript/grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Intermediate Diploma, Bachelor, Higher Diploma, Master, PhD
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcript (Cijferlijst)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. HAVO or VWO)
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report (Cijferlijst)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachelor, Master, Doctoraalexamen)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Exam results for the IGCSE
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Bachelor, Master)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Final Certificate (Slutbetyg) or Leaving Certificate (Avgångsbetyg)
Higher education
Study record (Studieintyg)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachelor, Master, Högskoleexamen, Kandidatexamen, Magisterexamen, Licentiatexamen,Lärarexamen, Doktorsexamen)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official examination results
If degree is completed, also submit:
Maturity Certificate (Maturitätszeugnis/Certificat de Maturité/Attestato di Maturita)
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachelor, Master, Licence, Diplom, PhD)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
General Secondary Education Certificate
If degree is completed, also submit:
Higher education
Original grade report (student transcript, transcript of record)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (ijazah)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Original transcript of record
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma or Certificate
Higher education
Grade report (transcript)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Table of Grades (Tабели/Tабель)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Certificate of General Secondary Education (Шаҳодатнома дар бораи таҳсилоти миёнаи умумӣ/Свидетельство об общем среднем образовании) OR
Certificate of Secondary Education (Аттестат дар бораи маълумоти миёна/Аттестат о среднем образовании) OR
Professional school diploma (Дипломи/Диплом) AND Supplement to the Diploma (Илова ба дипломи/Приложение к диплому) (if applicable)
Higher education
Academic Record (Маълумотномаи академӣ/Академическая справка)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (Дипломи/Диплом) and Supplement to the Diploma (Илова ба дипломи/Приложение к диплому)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Exam results from Certificate of Secondary Education and/or Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education
Higher education
Academic performance/transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Bachelor, Master)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Transcript (Upper Secondary)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Certificate for Upper Secondary (Mayatom 6) School Completion
Higher education
Academic Transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Timor Leste
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade lists for junior high school (Sekolah Menengah Pertama)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (Ensino Secundario Diploma)
Grade list for high school (Sekolah Menengah Atas)
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Diploma, Bachelor)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Examination Results for Baccalaureate (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final) OR
General Certificate of Education (ordinary and advanced levels)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Baccalaureate of Secondary Education (Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diplôme, Licence, Maîtrise)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
School Certificate or Senior Secondary Certificate or Form 7 Certificate
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Trinidad and Tobago
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official Grade Report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CECSEC) OR
General Certificate of Education (GCE) or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) OR
Other general certificate of secondary education
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Examination Results for Baccalaureate (Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Baccalaureate of Secondary Education (Diplôme du Baccalauréat)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diplôme de Maîtrise, Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies, Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade reports/academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Graduation certificate (Lise Diplomasi, Meslek Lise Diplomasi)
Higher education
Official transcript/grade report OR
European Diploma Supplement
If degree is completed, also submit:
Graduation certificate (Lisans Diplomasi, Yüksek Lisans Diplomasi, Doktora Diplomasi)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Certificate of Secondary Education (Orta bilim hakynda şahadatnama/Aттестат об среднем образовании) OR
Professional school diploma (Диплом)
Higher education
Academic Record (Akademiki kepilnama/Академическая справка)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma of Higher Education (Ýokary bilim hakynda şahadatnama) and Supplement to the Diploma (Приложение к диплому)
Turks and Caicos Islands
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official Grade Report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CECSEC) OR
General Certificate of Education (GCE) or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) OR
Other general certificate of secondary education
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Senior Secondary School Completion Certificate
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Uganda Certificate of Education and/or Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education
Higher education
Official academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Bachelor, Master)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education (Атестат про повну загальну середню освіту) OR
Professional school diploma (Диплом)
Higher education
Academic Record (Академічна довідка) or Archival Record (Архівна довідка)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (Диплом) and Supplement to the Diploma (Додаток до дипломa)
United Arab Emirates
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade Reports for Grades 9 through 12
If degree is completed, also submit one of the following:
General Secondary Education Certificate Examination OR
High School Diploma OR
Grade Report confirming Passing of Grade 12
Higher education
Academic transcript/grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (front and back)
United Kingdom
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
External examination results for the GCSE and/or GCE A-Level examinations
Higher education
Academic transcripts; alternatively you can submit the HEAR report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Degree certificate
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report (Certificado de Notas or Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diversified Baccalaureate of Secondary Education (Bachillerato Diversificado de Ensenanza Secundaria) OR
Technical Baccalaureate (Bachillerato Técnico)
Higher education
Official academic transcripts (Relevé de Notes)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Diplôme, Licence, Maîtrise)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Table of Grades (Tabeli/Tабели /Tабель)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Certificate of Secondary Education (Ўрта маълумот тўғрисида шаҳодатнома/O’rta ma’lumot to’g’risida shahodatnoma / Aттестат о среднем образовании) OR
Professional school diploma (Diplomi/Диплом) and Supplement to the Diploma (Diplomiga ilova/Приложение к диплому)
Higher education
Academic Record (Академик маълумотнома/Академическая справка)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (Diplomi/Диплом) and Supplement to the Diploma (Diplomiga ilova/Приложение к диплому)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report
If degree is completed, also submit:
Senior Secondary School Completion Certificate
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Grade report (Certificado de Notas or Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Bachiller, Técnico Medio)
Higher education
Academic transcript or grade report (Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g. Técnico, Licenciado, Título Profesional, Maestría, Doctorado)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Study book (Hoc Ba)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Examination Results (Ðiểm Kỳ Thi Tốt Nghiệp THPT) for the High School Graduation Examination (Kỳ thi tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông THPT) OR
Provisional Graduation Certificate (Giay Chung Nhan Tot Nghiep THPT) which indicates the High School Graduation Examination Results
Higher education
Academic transcript
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma (e.g.Bang Tien Si, Bang Thac Si, Bang Tot Nghiep Dai Hoc, Bang Tot Nghiep Cao Dang, etc.)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Secondary School Final Examination Result OR
General Secondary Graduation Transcript
Higher education
Grade report (grade certificate, transcript, academic record)
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (front and back)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official School Certificate OR
Official General Certificate of Education
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Bachelor, Master)
Ucredo requires students to upload their credentials in both the original language of issue and translated in English. If don’t have an official translation of your documents in English, you may obtain a translation on your own from a licensed translator, or you can obtain one from us. You can find more details on our services page.
Secondary education
Official Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education at “O” and/or “A” Level
Higher education
Academic transcripts
If degree is completed, also submit:
Diploma/degree (e.g. Bachelor, Master)